Monday, February 28, 2011

grocery shopping

maybe im just being really picky but food here in manhattan is seriously expensive. there are many choices, dun get me wrong. being able to buy teriyaki sauce n thai chilli sauce nearby is fantastic but the prices are scary.

i felt cheated the 1st few times i bought anything. there is tax on certain items which happily are not included in the intial price tag. food is not taxed but certain items are. i have no idea until i get the bill on wad is taxed or not. pretty confusing.

they also put unit price and retail price right next to each other. at first glance, i can never understand what is the actual price. there is always a need for me to look hard to decipher the much smaller words tt indicate which is the actual price.

on the upside, just looking at the aisle for cereal can entertain me for days. there are so many possible cereals that i only hear in movies that make their debut on all the shelves. apple cinnamon, blueberry cereal and peanut butter captain cookies. its like cereal heaven. they are not as cheap as i would like but the choices...divine

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